Friday, July 13, 2012

My review so far, on "Emotional Freedom."

Every morning I go for coffee. This has been a ritual of mine for the past 3 years. It's my get away, or time to think in the car about my strategy for the rest of the day/week/near future. This particular morning, I went to Starbucks, and noticed for the first time, there is a little building, that has a sign in front, which says 'Quest Books'. At first I was like, "Really? An adult book store across the street from Starbucks...pathetic." Then as I read, in small print it say "Books for the Mind, Body and Soul." So, I ventured in there. They have a lot to see. They have gemstones in raw form, jewelry, candles, incense, and a ton of books. If you are really into yoga, meditating, or just unique stores, you will like this store.

I was kind of skeptical, as to what kind of place it was. As I continued to slowly browse, I found a couple books I thought looked interesting.

I started reading one of the two books I purchased, as soon as I got home; while laying out in the yard. The one I chose to start with is called "Emotional Freedom." I read a few pages while in the store and it seemed like just the kind of book I needed to read. I will admit, I did judge the book by it's cover, but so far I have to say it too, is exceeding my expectations. I absolutely recommend getting your hands on it. I'm not done yet, but I will be, in a few hours.

Front Cover
The book captures thoughts, ideas and feelings, which I have experienced myself. I've been struggling with the feeling 'the missing information' to bring everything together for me. Basically, to confirm I was on the right about all these things I have 'picked up' throughout my life.

It starts out by the author, Judith talking about how she is an only child, and both of her parents were physicians. They did things the 'old school way'. Her mother operated her own practice for years and was loved by many, but at the age of 70 her elderly mother decided it was necessary for her to take the National State Board Exam. These feelings were driven by a self feeling of inadequacy.  Little did she know, proving this to everyone, would end up putting so much stress on her, it is thought to have caused Leukemia development; and shortly thereafter, she died. Although she did pass her test, she admitted towards her last few days, she most likely would have lived longer, had she not let the negative thoughts bother her so much.

As the book goes on, Judith tells of how she was rebellious growing up, which hit close to home, because, I too was rebellious. Though my parents loved me (same as hers), as a wild and crazy teenager, I felt suffocated by their very conservative way of life; and how they wanted me to be. My parents are religious, so they made me go to  a Christian school and youth group, which I really didn't appreciate very much; although I knew deep down (though I wasn't always as in tune with it), there was a Spiritual world out there. I knew this since I was a child. Not only because I was taught to, but I experienced it. The thing with sending me to the Christian School, and youth group, is... it didn't bring out getting in touch with any of that, in me. In fact, it pushed me away from it. It actually made me more angry and judgmental being there, which to me was hypocritical, of what I should be feeling at a Christian school. I didn't fit in, and that was ok with some people. Those people were who mattered. The problem was I still felt inadequate. Even though deep down I didn't want to fit in, I was happy I was my own self. When I transferred to a public school (of all places), I realized what spirituality really is. The only negative judgement being placed on me, was from me. I figured out what that saying "don't get in the way of your own success," really meant. Removing me from the people I had grown up with, since kindergarten, is what it took for me to tap into who I was. Once I figured that out, I decided who, and where I want to be.

Judith goes on to say, after some counseling, she too learned  that her intuitive way of thinking, and getting in touch with her spiritual self; is how you find what you are  passionate about in life; and what you are meant to do. So she set out to become who she was meant to be. A psychiatrist. She intertwined her spiritual intuitions into her psychiatrist practice. It is her goal, in life, to help people find their inner spiritual self (by methods of meditating), so they can find love, and treat others in the same compassionate way. Needless to say, she spreads love to others, because she genuinely has love for herself. It shows, and people are attracted to her for that reason.

As a Psychiatrist, working in this day and age, she is encouraged, by her peers (like most other psychiatrists and Dr.'s) to prescribe her patients a pill, which will mask their symptoms. However, Judith would much rather treat the real, core issue in people's lives....THEM! 


I agree with all of what she has to say so far, and have had theories similar to hers, so it is awesome to hear what she has to say, as far as the successes she has helped create. She basically did all the research for me, and put it together in this book, answering questions I was needing to have answered. I agree with her school of thought regarding negative energy vs positive; and so far everything she explains, about the spiritual realm.

There is medical research which has examined nuns and monks brains while meditating or praying. The results are astonishing!

The thing is, if you look around, with all the hatred and anger in the world, you will notice the more disease and cancer that plagues people. When there is so much drama and negativity surrounding you, it will suck all of the calm feelings out of you.

Your brain's emotional center, the amygdala, starts reacting to a situation (that is really not that big of a deal), as if you were running for you life. Things like getting pissed off, and screaming when someone cuts you off. Screaming at people (especially loved ones), and saying things you can't take back, in an attempt to make a point. These actions all cause your adrenaline to pump, blood pressure to rise, and the fight or flight instincts kick in. This is only supposed to happen when you are in danger. If you continue to live like this, you are poisoning yourself by having your body set off these messages in your brain. What does this cause: anxiety, hyper-tension, depression, some cancers etc. Why? Because your stress hormones now become worrying thoughts.

This book is seriously awesome! For me it  is concluding a lot of ideas I've had, and answering some important questions for me. Throughout life I have always "thought outside of the box" and kept an open mind. After taking a Religion class, learning more about all the different types of religion, on top of what I already knew; there are many notable things I have discovered between them all. I will let you figure out the rest, but I highly suggest you seeking out what you believe in, as a starting point to emotionally free yourself (and spread it).

 I really hope more people will spread love, by beginning with loving themselves. I also hope jealousy will be recognized for poor self-esteem, so more people (especially girls), can fix it. If you want to learn how to better yourself, check it out.