Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Average Life of An American....will kill ya.

Nutrition Guidelines

Say goodbye to processed food, bleached anything (white bread, white bleach, rice, white sugar, etc.), high-fructose corn syrup, candy, deserts, pork, red meat, and fast food. If this makes you sad to say goodbye to, imagine how your family will feel saying goodbye to you, because these foods are killing us. It’s the truth. The American diet is what causes you to live a life where you are dependant on Dr.’s and medication. So change it!!!  This is going to require you to READ THE LABELS!!! If you need some help, get the app FOODUCATE on your Smartphone. This app is amazing! It tells you all the crap that they put in your food and what it does to you!

Say hello to a healthy new lifestyle that will make you feel amazing. How you should feel!! You will notice your digestive system will not hate you. You will feel light, clean and confidant

Here are some substitutes to the crap foods:
Instead of butter---> use olive oil or flaxseed oil
Instead of white sugar ---> Use “Sugar in the Raw”, organic sugar cane, agave nectar, honey, or coconut oil.
Instead of Pork or Beef ---> Eat turkey, chicken, or fish
Instead of milk/dairy ----> try things such as rice milk, coconut milk, or almond milk. Cut down on dairy, for yogurt, eat Greek yogurt.
For juice, buy a juicer; or when choosing it, go to places such as, Trader Joe’s and buy natural juice. Juice that doesn’t contain high fructose corn syrup, look for ones that say NO ADDED SUGAR! DO NOT buy ones that say they contain artificial sweeteners!  
  • Drink A LOT of water; if you drink your 8 glasses a day, you won’t eat as much food.

  •  The best form of food is fruits and vegetables, and they are most definitely the best form of carbs too.

  • Only eat meat a few times of week, or cut it out completely. Americans eat more meat than they should. Make sure the meat you do eat is lean. Buy fish that is not farm raised, and buy chicken/turkey that contains no antibiotics.  Eating unhealthy animals (which many times contain tumors), due to their treatment is gross, sad, and unhealthy.

  • Milk and dairy cause mucus. Mucus causes bacteria, and bacteria breeds things such as disease….and cancer. Not to mention the cows that are milked were not intended to feed all of America. Utters, similar to nipples, are sensitive and after being tugged at, in an attempt fill up gallons upon gallons of milk, they become sore, bleed, and pus. Do you think that matters though?  It’s all about money. America is the only country that drinks cow’s milk, and thinks it’s normal.

As a summary, you should eat fruits/vegetables mainly. Look up all kinds of delicious entrees, and get creative. If you choose to eat meat, only eat lean meats like, turkey and chicken. Make sure it states somewhere on the packaging, that it doesn’t contain antibiotics. Fish is not necessarily meat, but it is good for you, as long as it’s not farm raised. Limit your intake of dairy. It is not good for you, for many reasons. Drink a lot of water. READ LABELS!! If you are buying something such as: peanut butter, make sure the ingredients make sense, like peanuts. The more stuff listed, especially things you have never heard of, the worse it is for you.
Congratulations on becoming healthier! This says a lot about your respect for yourself. It is a very important and highly looked upon quality to have. Don’t be one of those average American people, with their average life, lack of energy, digestive issues, and other health problems. Stop poisoning yourself!!

That pretty much sums it up! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!