Monday, December 12, 2011

Ending 2011 In The Best Way Possible

I remember saying at the end of 2010, "2011 is gonna be awesome, I can feel it!" Little did I know how fast 2011 would go!

I can thankfully say that while this year did zip by, being busy never ended! I set up goals at the beginning of 2011 and accomplished A LOT of them!! 2012's are even bigger, and I'm super excited about getting them accomplished too!! There is so much to look forward to!

2011 had it's not so great moments. I could have done without the funerals, loved ones hospital visits, and medical emergencies. There really were a lot of tragedies.

On the bright side.... I am super thankful for supportive people (friends and family), the ability to go to school, a wonderful relationship with someone I love, a cute little home, a job that I love, all my hobbies, my business, and all of the other little blessings that happen each day, that make life pleasant.

In these last few weeks of 2011, take a minute to reflect your life, this past year, and make appropriate changes so 2012 can be even better!!

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