Monday, December 12, 2011

What you do is what you are, and you are what you eat

Do you smoke? If you do, why? Truly think of why you are purposefully killing yourself. If you know you are, and fully accept it, your life needs a make over. Smoking is a self destructing habit, meaning you need to pull your head out of your ass, and start living life for you (you, meaning all of what makes you up)!! If you are now pissed at me for saying this, fine! It's because it's the truth, you know how I know? I used to be the same way!!

Are there people in your life, that have wronged you? Chances are the answer is YES! What is the BEST revenge? SUCCESS!!! So quit smoking!! If your excuse is, "well then, I'll just eat more,"then you need to work on self control, but I have the answer to that lame ass excuse......

Eat healthy food that tastes good. Stop eating the crap, that is making all of America HUGE!!

First thing is, READ ALL LABELS!!!
If you don't know what the heck the crazy long word, with all the x's and z's's probably one of the ingredients to America's obesity problem; or just WRONG to be eating!! Even if you don't smoke, you might still be eating foods with carcinogens in them, which is not any better!! Or worse yet, arsenic. Nice huh?

If you drink diet pop, STOP! Un-natural sweeteners, toss em! All "pop"...garbage!!

Here's some ingredients to steer clear from:

Ambergris- Comes from whale intestines and is used in foods and beverages for flavoring.
Artificial color F,D &C food coloring- Comes from coal tar. Carcinogenic and traces of arsenic and lead have been found in it.
BHA/BHT- preservative that can be found in bacon, baked goods, canned items and powdered soups, which can cause birth defects, cancer, and infertility.
Carmine, cochineal, carminic acid- Crushed up female beetles used for red dye that is contained in red lollipops, red applesauce, and food coloring.
Duodenum substances- From the digestive tract of pigs and cows which is found in some vitamin tablets (but not the ones I sell
Glycerin, glycerol-  A Byproduct of soap manufacturers, which normally uses animal fat. Found in things like toothpaste, mouthwashes, chewing gum, and foods.

There are TONS more...


Do some research, if you want to learn more, check out the book "Skinny Bitch", by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin!!

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