Monday, December 12, 2011

What you do is what you are, and you are what you eat

Do you smoke? If you do, why? Truly think of why you are purposefully killing yourself. If you know you are, and fully accept it, your life needs a make over. Smoking is a self destructing habit, meaning you need to pull your head out of your ass, and start living life for you (you, meaning all of what makes you up)!! If you are now pissed at me for saying this, fine! It's because it's the truth, you know how I know? I used to be the same way!!

Are there people in your life, that have wronged you? Chances are the answer is YES! What is the BEST revenge? SUCCESS!!! So quit smoking!! If your excuse is, "well then, I'll just eat more,"then you need to work on self control, but I have the answer to that lame ass excuse......

Eat healthy food that tastes good. Stop eating the crap, that is making all of America HUGE!!

First thing is, READ ALL LABELS!!!
If you don't know what the heck the crazy long word, with all the x's and z's's probably one of the ingredients to America's obesity problem; or just WRONG to be eating!! Even if you don't smoke, you might still be eating foods with carcinogens in them, which is not any better!! Or worse yet, arsenic. Nice huh?

If you drink diet pop, STOP! Un-natural sweeteners, toss em! All "pop"...garbage!!

Here's some ingredients to steer clear from:

Ambergris- Comes from whale intestines and is used in foods and beverages for flavoring.
Artificial color F,D &C food coloring- Comes from coal tar. Carcinogenic and traces of arsenic and lead have been found in it.
BHA/BHT- preservative that can be found in bacon, baked goods, canned items and powdered soups, which can cause birth defects, cancer, and infertility.
Carmine, cochineal, carminic acid- Crushed up female beetles used for red dye that is contained in red lollipops, red applesauce, and food coloring.
Duodenum substances- From the digestive tract of pigs and cows which is found in some vitamin tablets (but not the ones I sell
Glycerin, glycerol-  A Byproduct of soap manufacturers, which normally uses animal fat. Found in things like toothpaste, mouthwashes, chewing gum, and foods.

There are TONS more...


Do some research, if you want to learn more, check out the book "Skinny Bitch", by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin!!

Ending 2011 In The Best Way Possible

I remember saying at the end of 2010, "2011 is gonna be awesome, I can feel it!" Little did I know how fast 2011 would go!

I can thankfully say that while this year did zip by, being busy never ended! I set up goals at the beginning of 2011 and accomplished A LOT of them!! 2012's are even bigger, and I'm super excited about getting them accomplished too!! There is so much to look forward to!

2011 had it's not so great moments. I could have done without the funerals, loved ones hospital visits, and medical emergencies. There really were a lot of tragedies.

On the bright side.... I am super thankful for supportive people (friends and family), the ability to go to school, a wonderful relationship with someone I love, a cute little home, a job that I love, all my hobbies, my business, and all of the other little blessings that happen each day, that make life pleasant.

In these last few weeks of 2011, take a minute to reflect your life, this past year, and make appropriate changes so 2012 can be even better!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Winter Blues Gotcha Down?

The cure for the winter blues is staying active.

It has been so cold lately. Winter is definately rearing it's frigid head, these last couple days especially. Between the cold weather, and the lack of daylight, getting out of bed in the morning is dreaded more than ever. Winter can make it difficult to keep a focused mindset.

A few things you must do to prevent "The Winter Blues" are:

Do some Zumba, Hot Yoga, Cross fit, Kickboxing, go Skiing, Snowboarding, ice skating. Find a hobby. Pick a room in your house to decorate. Look up some DIY projects, such as: home decorations, Christmas ornaments, jewelry, etc. 

To sign up for Zumba, yoga, and kickboxing classes, try checking out your local park district, YMCA, gym, or google available classes near your location. For DIY project ideas, check out Pintrest, or google 'DIY projects'

For all of your organic supplements (and LOTS more awesome products), that will help you stay healthy all winter, check out this link:

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My life is my ultimate masterpeice!!

Have you ever been in a funk? One that seems to never go away for too long, before suddenly creeping back up and destroying more of your life? This is how I felt for years.

The thing I wasn't realizing is...well... a lot of things. One of them being, the people that I love, and who love me, were getting sick of hearing all the negatives in my life. So, I slowly started doing things differently.

I realized that for one thing, sitting and watching TV (especially the news), was a waste of time! The news was seriously having a negative effect of me. It made me depressed, and VERY pissed off. The politics and the crime made me view the world in a different light. It made me worried about everything, that had nothing to do with me or my life, and where it was headed. 

Guess what though, I don't have control over any of that. It's going to keep happening no matter how disgusted, or angry I get.

Once I realized how unproductive I was being, I decided to start doing some of the things I used to do; things that make me happy, proud, and productive in my life!! I started painting, drawing, and for the first time I started experimenting with photography.

There are so many reasons why I love art, one being that the artist gets to decide how things are portrayed. Another reason is because there is no wrong answers.

Art is all about portraying things how you see them, or how you want others to see them. So, in my world of painting "master pieces", everything is beautiful and everyone has smiles on their faces. There are no liars, murderers or cheaters; there is no cancer, fake people, poverty, hatred, jealousy, and everything that else that sucks in the world.

I decided that I wanted my life to have a lot more love and happiness in it too; although I don't have the power to eliminate cancer or murderers, I can eliminate fake people, jealous people, hateful people, cheaters, liars, and people that don't care about anything I have going for myself (or the ones I love).

Life is short, so being productive everyday, and making sure you rid your life of as much crappy stuff as possible is important to do; as it determines how you view the world, and even how you view yourself. Doing this is how to be the happiest you can be. Who wouldn't want that? The one thing I did find out is: Life is what you make of it. If you make excuses, and let things like fear, excuses, and negativity get in the way of you accomplishing your goals and dreams; then that is no one's fault, but your own.