Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Cleansing Lemonade of 2012!

A good friend of mine, told me about a " detox cleanse," a few months ago, so I decided to give it a whirl. I was originally going for 24 hrs., any longer...would be determined.

I survived 24 hrs., but it wasn't that easy. Everytime I would get hungry, I would drink the mixture (the hunger would go away), but since I did this on a day I was working, the smell of other employees food was torturing me! 

When deciding to do a cleanse/ fast, you need to "ween" yourself onto it, and ween yourself off of it. For example, most people will consume only water, vegetables and fruits; in the days leading up to the day they are starting their fasting. I didn't do that exactly, I just started. Although, I wasn't eating much other then just fruits and sauteed vegetables. I was drinking soy milk, not enough water, Gatorade, and coffee.

Just for clarification. if you've never heard of this "Lemonade/Detox Cleanse", and have no idea what I am talking about, it's this: your diet for X amount of days (you decide), consists of 2 tbs. of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 tbs. of maple syrup (NATURAL, not Aunt Jemima), or Agave Nectar (which is what I did), and the rest is water, and you sprinkle Cayenne pepper in when you are about to drink it. This mixture is all you drink!

I know 24 hrs. for a cleanse/ fast is not very long, but to be honest, I'm not so sure this "Cleanse" is all that great for your health. Your liver and kidneys clean your blood, and eliminating waste out of your system. If those are in good working condition, then no worries?  I couldn't find any type of documentation proving my theory otherwise.

I know someone who did a "cleanse" (not this one), and it is thought, that due to the cleanse, it has caused her body to develop a wheat allergy. So everything she eats now, has to be gluten free (which is very healthy, by the way).

There are potential health hazards when doing things like "cleanses/fasts". As I have warned before, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! Ask a doctors opinion. Especially if you are planning on doing a "cleanse/fast," for a long period of time.

People who are attracted to this diet, because it causes weight loss, I urge you to try other methods. The "weight" you lose throughout this diet, is mainly just water weight. Once you go back to eating regularly, it will most likely return. Not to mention, starvation is not the answer.

The purpose it served for me was, I tried something new, it made me more hydrated, less bloated, and it gave me a challenge!

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