Thursday, May 31, 2012

Train Your Brain For Success!

According to the book "The Greatest Book of All Time," which has taught me some new things, about creating your life to be what you want it to be.  Much of this, I've already put in to play, but I always try to learn something. And I did. For example, did you know, "human beings think 65,000 thoughts a day? Eighty-five percent of these thoughts are the same exact ones you thought the day before. Due to the fact day after day, you spend most of your time thinking the same exact thoughts. "Essentially you are a robot repeating the same loop of thoughts." Did you know, "what you think about, you become?"

Ninety-five percent of your thoughts are sub-conscious, meaning, you think these thoughts, and don't even know it. Kind of like when you drive to work; you drive the same route everyday, not putting much thought into getting there. You just do it.

As kids, our brains soak up information (good/bad); like a sponge sucking up water. The things you learn get placed in your brain; where all your beliefs, emotions, attitudes and opinions (perspective on life), gets your subconscious.

All the times you were told you have a big nose, your fat, ugly, stupid, too short....those opinions of you, live in your sub-conscious. These are part of the 65,000 thoughts you think daily. They are part of the 95% (your sub-conscious), that are on the repeat playlist.

"Thoughts create beliefs, and beliefs create reality."

Don't want those same negative things to continue to poison your brain? Do you want to be successful? Well, when things aren't making you happy, you have to change it; to get new results. If you aren't willing to change, you will get the same results. In fact the reason why most people's lives never change, is because those same thoughts continue to loop in their head. They have settled with not being happy.

How to re-program yourself? Figure out two things to start out with, things you want to change. For example I said, "being late." I worked on this starting 3 years ago, and have mastered it. Everyday I work towards a list of goals, that are important to me. You would be surprised what a good feeling you experience at the end of the year, when you lived everyday of your life, for the things you love, and want in life. If you work everyday towards making everyone else happy, or just to "get by", you probably don't feel too accomplished. So Change it!

Figure out what you want to change and after 28 days of working on it, it will become permanent. So if you want to lose weight say, " I deserve to be 28lbs. lighter." Believe it. Say it out loud for 28 days. Work at it! You will do it, I guarantee it. "You can do anything you put your mind to."

"Happiness comes from facing challenges, going out on a limb, and taking risks. If you are not willing to take a risk for something you really care about (you), you might as well be dead." - Andrew Shneider

 Happiness also comes from people. It is important to have friends and family. People that don't have others, aren't happy. This is why it is important to forgive those who have hurt you. We are all humans. We all make mistakes, have faults, weaknesses, and the like. Instead of harvesting resentment against your family, friends, or co-workers, just forgive them. It's easier. Why cause negative feelings for you and them? It's inevitable you won't get along with everyone you come across in life, but why continue to add to your list of enemies, if you can choose to not let it bother you? Resentment burdens you with pain, stress and negativity. Treat others how you want to be treated. If there are times in life you thought you deserved a second chance, give others that chance you wish you got. Be the better person.

Go out on a limb and make new relationships (as well as maintain/mend old ones). You would be surprised, there are some really cool people strolling the same streets you are.  Don't be the typical shut off, jerk walking down the street. Ask people how there day is, hold the door, be kind.

Not only do humans make mistakes, but just like all things in life, they die. Another good reason to forgive people, especially ones you know you will regret not saying you love them to, before they pass away; and you never see them again. Make sure you tell your siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, kids, dog, kitty, fish, etc. that you love them. Make sure they know, and you know they know. Even if you are fighting. Still let them know, you love them regardless of the fact you don't see eye to eye.

Create your subconscious loop of thinking, to only include positive, true things! Forgive yourself and forgive others, no one is perfect. Also, eliminate the BS in your life. Stay away from drama. Grow up. Accomplish your dreams!! Concern yourself with YOU and those who support you, and take responsibility for YOUR life!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Don't B snippy. B Happy!

     I learned a lot this week. About myself. Trust me, the way I learned it, was not in the best of ways...let me tell you. Being so frustrated, and upset over EVERYTHING! Stressed to the max, snippy....not fun (for anyone). I really wondered what was wrong with me. I felt like something was just not right. This was not me, but yet I couldn't help it.

 For the sake of those I love. I did some research, in search of what this missing "thing," that made me feel not myself was, and I found my answer! I was deficient in vitamin B, specifically B12. Who knew? It was crazy, because I have been doing really good about running 5 days a week, and I've been eating very light, clean meals, drinking green tea, and water more than normal. I just didn't get it. I didn't take my vitamins a couple of days in a row, and all the sudden Tuesday I felt like a volcano, ready to errupt.

     In my research I found these things, which really convinced me, this is no joke.

  •  The benefits of Vitamin B is: converting food to energy, forming healthy red blood cells, reducing the risk of heart disease, reduce or even eliminate PMS symptoms, reduce or eliminate anemia, minimize and even eliminates depression, preventing birth defects. 
  • If you experience the following symptoms, you may be suffering from vitamin B defiency: Mood changes, irritability, nervousness, fatigue, depression, headaches, dizziness, trembling, loss of appetite, insomnia, and sugar cravings.
     So, before you decide to individually treat each of these symptoms, separately, with things such as pain killers, anti-depressants, Midol, or cookies; get yourself some vitamin B. Many people are deficient in this very important vitamin. Processed food, and food once it's heated; strip the vitamin B out of the food (this is why the raw diet is beneficial). Your body depletes of vitamin B the fastest, and if you continue to not treat it, it can cause serious health problems.

Here's the breakdown of all the B vitamins:
  • energy booster .....B12
  • immune system booster ....B complex
  • blood pressure regulator .....B3
  • helps lowers cholesterol ....B3
  • helps promote weight loss .....B6, B12
  • helps body process protein .....B1
  • adds moisture to skin .......B2
  • encourage glowing skin ...B5
  • strengthen nails protects from breakage ......B5
  • soothing and natural calming agent .....B6
  • energy production ....B1, B2
  • stress fighter .....B5
  • helps prevent Alzheimer ......B1
  • helps alleviate Crohn's disease discomfort .....B3, B6
  • Joint disease reliever ....B3
  • Athletes performance booster & muscle builder ....B6,B2
  • Emotional well-being and staple of nervous system .....B12, B1, B6, B3, B5  
    If you are on a vegetarian (and especially vegan diet) it is VERY important to take a B vitamin (B complex, B12, B6) everyday! I believe this was somewhat the cause of my problem. I have cut down on eating dairy, and meat in the past few months, and that is where most people get (some) B vitamins from. I am not vegan, I just have been eating lighter meals, because it's so hot out. You'll find vitamin B in things like meat, eggs, milk, and shellfish.

    Extreme deficiency, in vitamin B, can actually lead to brain damage. So make sure if you take action, if any of this sounding like maybe you have signs of deficiency.  Check out:

Saturday, May 19, 2012

What Is Your Perspective?

Typical dinners with my family usually include lots of stories about past times, where there is usually some debate about how someone remembers something totally different than the other person. For example, " I was grounded for like 2 weeks." "No way, we never grounded you for 2 weeks." Or "I remember when I was like 5...." "You weren't 5 you were 9."

It happens with friends too, when someone recalls a funny story, there is always that one person like, "noooo, we drank like 10 beers......and we were with Tony not Jon." It's funny how every person involved in the convo/debate could have been there, but their view of the situation, is different from the next persons. Sometimes, really different.

In life everyone has a different perspective of what life is, beliefs, ways of looking at things (pessimist/optimist). Even, like I mentioned, your own family members will have a different perspective than you do sometimes.

Something else I've noticed is, perspective is everything to a person. Just like you can't convince me Kim Kardashian should be famous, you can't convince a person their perspective is wrong. This is different than their opinion, it goes deeper than that. Perspective is based on a person's view of life, who they trust and why, based on positive and negative experiences.

Two people could walk into a store together (but separate) and person #1 is greeted with a "hello (smiling), how can I help you today?" but person #1 is having a crappy day, one of those days where everything is going wrong. Person #1 is so focused on how crappy of a day he is having, he doesn't even acknowledge the fact anyone just said hello, and smiled at him. Person #2 walks in at the same time, and is greeted in the same way. Person #2 is polite and smiles back, takes time to genuinely acknowledge that the person standing at the door, is in fact a human being, who is greeting people with a genuine spirit. Do you think if you asked person #1 and person #2 if they had a good experience they would say the same thing? Would you be surprised if person #1 would say he wasn't greeted, if asked?

I am guilty of being person #1 when I have those day, weeks, or months; when everything I do seems to be getting me no where, but backwards (so it seems). The problem with this is, when you focus on the negative things in life, you dwell on all that is not good. You let the pleasant things go unnoticed. It is very important to not get stuck in the rut of negativity. Always wondering when the next problem is going to come up. Assuming negative things about people. I personally can take blame for that. Having worked in the service industry, I have seen and dealt with all kinds or personalities, attitudes, etc. Sometimes it is hard for me to not assume things about people, because there are so many tall tale signs of how a person will be, just based on their body language, and few first words that come out of their mouth. So, based on what I have experienced with people, I tend to pre-judge sometimes. I forget I need to treat people how I want to be treated, and not how I have been treated by other rude people I have come across in life.

I am guilty of being person #1, but for the most part, I try really hard not to judge people. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. I try to be a good example of a loving person. I really do try to notice all the "little" blessings in life, daily.

What may be a "little blessing" to me, is a big one to someone else. For example, when I run in the morning, I think to myself sometimes, "wow, I am thankful I have legs that work." How often are you thankful for your limbs? Most people who are fortunate, don't think about this. That is sad. It's like they say, "Don't know what you got til it's gone?"

Being  thankful for your health, is another thing. If you are a healthy person, you are fortunate. Suffering is not fun. This is a HUGE reason why it is important to not take a healthy body for granted; stuffing it with a bunch of junk and bunch of chemicals.

I am sure I am not the only person that is guilty of being like person #1. In fact I know so. Here's the thing though, being like person #1 is not productive. Being too consumed with your own problems is totally normal. Allowing your problems to effect your perspective of life (and all that surrounds you), and viewing things in a negative light, causes the spread of anger, depression, hatred, self doubt, self pity, and just plain miserable, ugly, crap. It doesn't need to be polluting your mind, soul and perspective; of what life really has to offer you. So don't let it!

Being like person #2 takes a conscious effort. It is important not to punish everyone around you for the pain others have caused you. Spread the attitude of thankfulness, joy, love, and generosity. It makes you feel better.... and the people around you; so it is productive x's 2. Trust me, it will get you further in life! Everyone looks better with a smile!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Garlic Zucchini!

I am not a fan of most stir fry's, or veggie sautes which include zucchini in them. In fact without them... I love sautes. So when the request for Zucchini was mentioned, as a suggestion, for a side dish for dinner the other night; I was really dreading the thought of eating them. It's the one, and only vegetable I really didn't enjoy. So, I decided to try to change my own mind about them about them, and gave them another shot (this time being prepared by me).

Well..... I succeeded! I really liked it!

In this version (below) I didn't include any garlic powder, because I was told it was too garlicy. I liked it, and if you like garlic...add it in.

 What you need:
  • 2 sliced Zucchinis'
  • 1/4 cup of Extra virgin Olive Oil
  • 1/2 tbsp. of minced garlic
  • 1 tbs. of greens seasoning (veggie seasoning)
  • sprinkle with celery salt
  • sprinkle with Parmesan cheese (optional)
  • 4-5 drops of soy sauce
  • 2-3 drops of balsamic vinegar
  • sprinkle lightly with bread crumbs (optional)
Take a medium sized frying pan, with a little bit of olive oil in it. Add Garlic and Zucchini. Saute for 3-5 minutes (just a hint of browning). Then transfer to a baking pan. Add  another 1/4 cup of Olive Oil, Soy sauce and balsamic vinegar. mix around. Add seasoning (greens seasoning and celery salt).  And stir around getting everything mixed in. Add bread crumbs and top with Parmesan cheese.

Bake in oven at 350 degrees F for approximately 15 min. Every oven is different, so just be sure to check on them. Once the bread crumbs and cheese starts browning, it's done.

serves: 1-2

Cherry Tomato/Cucumber Salad!! Mmmmm.....

Wow, ever since school is done with for the semester, and I am somewhat settled into our very temporary home; I have been a cooking machine!! Whippin' up new healthy stuff left and right!! The best thing about it, I have someone else to enjoy eating it with finally!

Since my boyfriend refuses to eat anything BUT what a child around the age of 5 eats. LOL! He refuses to try new things.... and veggies.....the thought, and sight of them, make him cringe. It got to the point, I was making two dinners. Then, I put my foot down, and taught him how to make his own hamburger helper. Don't get me wrong, I love him, so in no way am I disrespecting him; but we most definitely have different eating habits.

So, back to what I was saying about having someone to enjoy healthy food with....since it is obviously not A, it's his dad!! He loves all the recipes I make up, and try out. So I hope you do too!!

                                                              Cherry Tomato and Cucumber Salad
         What you need:
  • 1/2c. extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/4c. white wine vinegar
  • minced garlic
  • 1/2 package of cherry tomatoes chopped in 1/4ths
  • 1 chopped cucumber (1/4 slices)
  • 1 tsp. seasoning salt
  • 1/2 tsp. garlic powder
  • pepper to taste
  • 1/4 tsp. celery salt   
  • Medium Salad bowl                                                
Add Cucumber and Tomato to Salad bowl. Season with all seasoning. Pour in olive oil and white wine vinegar. Mix together! Amazing!!

Serving size: 1-2

Now the thing with this is, this is only a portion of the real recipe! The real deal is Take a pita shell, fill it with garlic hummus, brown rice, this salad, and grilled chicken!! To die for!! A meal like that can be heavy, so when I want something light and refreshing I just make the salad part and eat it like there is no tomorrow!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Finding Peace And Taking Time To Relax

Some people struggle with ways to keep themselves busy, while others struggle with ways to get all they have to get done, done.

I am one who struggles with getting everything done. It's not because I am unorganized it's because I have a million things going on consistently. I am not complaining either. I like that I am busy. I would rather be out accomplishing my dreams, totally ready for bed at the end of the day, with a happy, accomplished spirit; everyday of my life. So that is what I do.

On the flip side. Having a cram packed schedule, a million appointments, two jobs, homework, the normal daily grind, and a regular workout schedule, can get tiring and stressful. It also makes it very hard to be patient with people that have nothing going on in their life. I have little to no patience for people who take their sweet time, call you constantly, or just have no sense of many things urgency, common sense, common decency, etc.

Recently, I found myself kind of at the point of restlessness. On edge. Waking up in the middle of the night, to add to the to-do list, or write something in my agenda. I realized I needed to relax. I needed to work hard to clear out my schedule, and make time to just not do SO much. I kept the things like my runs in the morning going, which I enjoy so much. I found my new favorite place in town, and on the way found a beautiful bird sanctuary. It's the little things that make me happy!
My new favorite place in town Honey has organic everything including my!

This year is going to be crazy. I know that. There is no way around it. Between all I have mentioned, along with weddings, baby showers, moving (most likely one more time in the pretty near future)....ya! It's life.

Thankfully I have found peace among the craziness. I am coping with all the change that are going on in my life, and I am doing SO much better than I was in the beginning of April. Lately, I continue to find myself just really appreciating everything that is going on right now.

 If you don't enjoy the NOW, life will just pass you right by. Something I learned is: if you don't enjoy the process, of all of what it takes to get where you want to be in life ("the journey"), then what is the point in working so hard?

I am super thankful for this Summer weather we have been blessed with lately, because I am in love with my morning runs! On that note....I'm going for one right now!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Couple New Recipes

Cherry Tomato/Avocado Salad
         You will need:
  • 1 package of organic cherry tomatoes chopped
  • 1 avocado chopped
  • 1/2 tbs. minced garlic
  • 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 cup of white wine vinegar
  • 1 tbs. of seasoning salt
  • 1/2 tbs. onion powder
  • 1/2 tbs. garlic powder
  • black pepper to taste
  • Medium size mixing bowl
In Bowl combine Tomatoes, avocado, and garlic. Season with seasoning salt, onion powder and garlic powder. Separately mix olive oil and white wine vinegar, then drizzle over all ingredients in bowl and stir around.

Serves: 1-2

                            Sauteed Mushroom/Spinach
          You will need:
  • 1 package of Portabella sliced mushrooms
  • Approx. 30-50 leaves of fresh spinach
  • 1 tbs. minced garlic
  • 1/4 cup of vegetable broth
  • 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp soy sauce
  • 1/4 tsp worsheshire sauce
  • celery salt
  • parsley
  • garlic salt
  • medium sized frying pan
 Add olive oil, soy sauce, and worseshire sauce. Saute mushrooms
and garlic. Season with celery salt, garlic salt and parsley.
Once the garlic starts looking brown, add vegetable broth
and spinach. Cover and cook until spinach is wilted.

    serves: 1-2

    Signature Body Diva Recipes, soon to be added to