Thursday, May 31, 2012

Train Your Brain For Success!

According to the book "The Greatest Book of All Time," which has taught me some new things, about creating your life to be what you want it to be.  Much of this, I've already put in to play, but I always try to learn something. And I did. For example, did you know, "human beings think 65,000 thoughts a day? Eighty-five percent of these thoughts are the same exact ones you thought the day before. Due to the fact day after day, you spend most of your time thinking the same exact thoughts. "Essentially you are a robot repeating the same loop of thoughts." Did you know, "what you think about, you become?"

Ninety-five percent of your thoughts are sub-conscious, meaning, you think these thoughts, and don't even know it. Kind of like when you drive to work; you drive the same route everyday, not putting much thought into getting there. You just do it.

As kids, our brains soak up information (good/bad); like a sponge sucking up water. The things you learn get placed in your brain; where all your beliefs, emotions, attitudes and opinions (perspective on life), gets your subconscious.

All the times you were told you have a big nose, your fat, ugly, stupid, too short....those opinions of you, live in your sub-conscious. These are part of the 65,000 thoughts you think daily. They are part of the 95% (your sub-conscious), that are on the repeat playlist.

"Thoughts create beliefs, and beliefs create reality."

Don't want those same negative things to continue to poison your brain? Do you want to be successful? Well, when things aren't making you happy, you have to change it; to get new results. If you aren't willing to change, you will get the same results. In fact the reason why most people's lives never change, is because those same thoughts continue to loop in their head. They have settled with not being happy.

How to re-program yourself? Figure out two things to start out with, things you want to change. For example I said, "being late." I worked on this starting 3 years ago, and have mastered it. Everyday I work towards a list of goals, that are important to me. You would be surprised what a good feeling you experience at the end of the year, when you lived everyday of your life, for the things you love, and want in life. If you work everyday towards making everyone else happy, or just to "get by", you probably don't feel too accomplished. So Change it!

Figure out what you want to change and after 28 days of working on it, it will become permanent. So if you want to lose weight say, " I deserve to be 28lbs. lighter." Believe it. Say it out loud for 28 days. Work at it! You will do it, I guarantee it. "You can do anything you put your mind to."

"Happiness comes from facing challenges, going out on a limb, and taking risks. If you are not willing to take a risk for something you really care about (you), you might as well be dead." - Andrew Shneider

 Happiness also comes from people. It is important to have friends and family. People that don't have others, aren't happy. This is why it is important to forgive those who have hurt you. We are all humans. We all make mistakes, have faults, weaknesses, and the like. Instead of harvesting resentment against your family, friends, or co-workers, just forgive them. It's easier. Why cause negative feelings for you and them? It's inevitable you won't get along with everyone you come across in life, but why continue to add to your list of enemies, if you can choose to not let it bother you? Resentment burdens you with pain, stress and negativity. Treat others how you want to be treated. If there are times in life you thought you deserved a second chance, give others that chance you wish you got. Be the better person.

Go out on a limb and make new relationships (as well as maintain/mend old ones). You would be surprised, there are some really cool people strolling the same streets you are.  Don't be the typical shut off, jerk walking down the street. Ask people how there day is, hold the door, be kind.

Not only do humans make mistakes, but just like all things in life, they die. Another good reason to forgive people, especially ones you know you will regret not saying you love them to, before they pass away; and you never see them again. Make sure you tell your siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, kids, dog, kitty, fish, etc. that you love them. Make sure they know, and you know they know. Even if you are fighting. Still let them know, you love them regardless of the fact you don't see eye to eye.

Create your subconscious loop of thinking, to only include positive, true things! Forgive yourself and forgive others, no one is perfect. Also, eliminate the BS in your life. Stay away from drama. Grow up. Accomplish your dreams!! Concern yourself with YOU and those who support you, and take responsibility for YOUR life!

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